Facial Volume – The Good, The Bad, and The Unnatural
Over the past decade, facial aesthetics has undergone a major shift in the understanding of facial volume and its role in the aged appearance. In the U.S., numerous new products are now available to restore youthful volume to the cheeks, lips, jawline, temples and beyond.
We see the effects of volume loss gradually over time leading to sagging cheeks, hollow under eyes, jowls, disappearing lips, and low hanging brows. The loss of bone, superficial fat, and collagen in the face occurs as a result of normal aging and genetics; but these processes are exaggerated by excessive smoking or UV irradiation (especially tanning beds). In women, these changes can start as early as the late 20’s.
We now have many options to restore lost volume leading to a more youthful appearance; however, it is important to know how to use these products and how not to. Far too often, we see over plumped faces that look like caricatures of a youthful face. These images often misconstrue the goal of a youthful face and lead to fear of looking unnatural. Facial volumization is an art as much as a science. First and foremost, good volume must look natural and must look like you. Good volume is taken for granted as good genetics or good grooming; bad volume catches everyone’s eye (not in a good way).
For best results, seek out Board-Certified Dermatologists or Plastic Surgeons who are experts in Facial Volume. Be wary of med spa type facilities where no Doctor is in sight; you only get one face. And remember, it is never a bad idea to get a second opinion.
To see how facial volumization could enhance your look, schedule an appointment at Etre Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center in New Orleans, LA.