
Smooth Away Cellulite: Cellulaze in New Orleans, LA at Etre Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center

Nearly all women have cellulite in one area of their body or another, the most common areas being the thighs and buttocks. Don’t let cellulite make you feel self-conscious any longer. Smooth away cellulite and reduce the appearance of dimpled skin with Cellulaze™ cellulite reduction treatments.

Cellulaze in New Orleans severs the fibrous bands under the skin that cause noticeable dimpling to result in smoother skin. Since cellulite is difficult to improve with diet and exercise, Cellulaze is the ideal minimally invasive treatment to target stubborn cellulite.

With Cellulaze at Etre Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center, you can begin to see improvements shortly after one treatment, and these improvements can continue during the months following your procedure. Show off your shape in your sundress without worries of dimples peeking through!

For more information about Cellulaze in New Orleans, LA at Etre Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center or to schedule your consultation call 504.227.3873.

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