What Areas Is A Non-Surgical Body Contouring Treatment The Most Impactful?

Today, smoothing and shaping your body isn’t only achieved by exercise and diet alone. Thanks to the latest in innovative non-surgical cosmetic treatments, patients are increasingly embracing diverse technologies to achieve their body shaping goals. If you want to burn away stubborn pockets of fat, tone up your muscles, or enhance the shape of your physique, then non-invasive body contouring can help.


One of the most common questions asked about these revolutionary treatments is, “where on the body does a non-surgical body contouring treatment work the best?” Here, we’ll explain the area where non-surgical body contouring is the most impactful.

What Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring is a field of aesthetic medicine designed to tone, sculpt, and refine your physique. Using a range of state-of-the-art technologies, including ultrasound therapy, radiofrequency, and fat freezing and heating, body contouring can help patients reduce fat bulges, tone up muscle mass and improve muscle definition across various body areas.

Areas Body Contouring Can Target

Each non-surgical body contouring device works differently and treats different areas of the body. So, the type of treatment you choose should correspond to the goals that you have and the areas you most want to focus on.


At Être Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center, we offer several body contouring options including:


  • CoolSculpting: CoolSculpting is an effective, FDA-approved fat freezing procedure that sculpts and shapes the body. It can even target areas that are notoriously hard to treat, like the thighs, belly, hips, and underneath the chin.
  • Cellulaze– Cellulaze is an innovative, FDA-approved treatment that changes the structure of the skin and eliminates cellulite at the source. The most commonly treated areas include the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, and arms.
  • Kybella®– For those looking to eliminate their double chin, Kybella® is an innovative injectable treatment that destroys fat cells and eventually leads to a sleeker jawline.
  • Laser Liposuction– Traditional liposuction involves anesthesia, sutures, and recovery. Now, men and women have a minimally invasive alternative with laser liposuction. This safe and versatile treatment can be used on the following areas: neck, arms, back, flanks, hips, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

Which Non-Surgical Body Contouring Options Is Best For Me?

Different non-surgical body contouring options may be better for you depending on your ideal results. If sculpting and toning troubled areas like the abdomen, thighs, or back are high up on your list of priorities, then CoolSculpting or Laser liposuction would be the better option for you. If you want to eliminate cellulite from your butt or thighs, then Cellulaze would work best. Or, if a double chin hinders your self-confidence, Kybella® or CoolSculpting will help you reach your goals.


Ultimately, the best way to find out which procedure will help you reach your body goals is to come in for a consultation at Être Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center. We will help you determine the best course of action to treat difficult areas—all without going underneath the knife or having to accommodate for lengthy recovery times.

Schedule Your Non-Surgical Body Contouring Treatment

If you’re ready to learn more about non-invasive body contouring options, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation at Être Cosmetic Dermatology & Laser Center in New Orleans, LA. You can contact us through our website or by phone at (504) 227-3873. We will be happy to discuss your body contouring goals and help you decide which procedure is right for you.

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